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Posts Tagged ‘terrorists’

CIA: Waterboarding helped track bin Laden

In Breaking News, Politics, World News on May 6, 2011 at 12:16 am

An al-Qaida suspect who was subjected to harsh interrogation techniques at a secret CIA prison in early 2004 provided his interrogators with a clue – the norm de guerre of a mysterious courier – that ultimately proved crucial to finding and killing Osama bin Laden. Officials said Wednesday.



The CIA had approved use of sleep deprivation, slapping, nudity,water dousing and other coercive techniques at the now closed CIA “black site” in Poland where the Pakistani born detainee, Hassan Ghul, was held, according to a 2005 Justice Department memo.

France threatened in Osama Bin Laden tape

In Breaking News, World News on October 27, 2010 at 4:26 pm

Osama Bin Laden


By EOTM Staff

Osama bin Laden warned France in a new taped message that its citizens face being killed in revenge attacks.

Bin Laden threatened to target French citizens to avenge their country’s support for the US-led war in Afghanistan and a new law that will ban face-covering Muslim veils.

The threat came in an audio tape sent to Al-Jazeera television.

“If you want to oppress us and thought that it was your right to ban the free women to wear the burqa, isn’t it our right to expel your occupying forces, your men from our lands?” the speaker demands, in reference to recently passed French legislation barring women from covering their faces in public.

“The only way to safeguard your nation and maintain your security is to withdraw your forces from Bush’s despicable war,” the speaker says.

“To the French people, I say that the formula is simple and clear: As you kill, you will be killed; as you imprison us, you will be imprisoned; as you threaten our security, we will threaten yours, and the one who started the oppression is the one to be blamed,” the speaker says.

France has 3,750 troops in Afghanistan, according to NATO’s International Security Assistance Force.

French lawmakers approved a ban on full-face veils in September, citing security concerns and saying they violated women’s human rights.