EOTM Press Room

Archive for March, 2010|Monthly archive page

15 Reasons to Advertise with EOTM Radio

In Marketing, Uncategorized on March 30, 2010 at 5:21 pm
Recent trends show radio is rapidly becoming the advertising method of choice for thousands of businesses and web sites. The medium allows you to focus your message to a tightly targeted audience.

Here are some Radio Facts —

1. Radio has a distinctive advantage over print in that the audience is more focused on the message especially through repetition.

2. One in five have listened to online Radio in the last month. Twenty percent of the U.S. population age 12 and older have listened to online Radio in the last month. The estimated monthly audience for online Radio is approximately 49 million.

3. Radio reaches 93% of all adults each week.

4. Radio reaches 94% of college grads age 18+.

5. Weekly Online Radio Audience Remains Steady Over the Past Year.

6. 96% of adults 18-49 with a college degree and an annual income of $75,000+ tune into radio over the course of a week.

7. Radio reaches 233 million listeners over the course of a week.

8. 63% of American adults listen to the radio every day.

9. Radio reaches 85% of likely voters.

10. 94% of Black Non-Hispanic persons and 95% of Hispanic persons, age 12+ tune into radio over the course of a week. Radio reaches 95% of Black Non-Hispanics and 96% of Hispanics age 25-54 over the course of a week.

11. Radio Advertising used in conjunction with television advertising increased brand recall by 34% than television advertising alone.

12. Radio Advertising used in conjunction with newspaper advertising increased brand recall almost 3 times than newspaper advertising alone.

13. Radio Advertising used in conjunction with Internet marketing raises the return on investment 4.5 times more than just using Internet marketing only.

14. Most radio ads generate emotional levels equal to or higher than T.V.

15. Radio has a 49% better R.O.I.(return on investment) than Television.

Contact EOTM Radio & Media today to discuss the best marketing strategies for your business & to request our media kit.
IR@eotmradio.com or call 678-548-9466

EOTM has Muscle

In Uncategorized on March 21, 2010 at 2:32 pm


Here at EOTM we do our best to arm our clients with the tools they need to succeed in today’s climate. Times are tough, the job market is awful and newbie entrepreneurs often fall victim to lack of experience and limited networks. We tout social media and personal branding as a solution, as a way to differentiate yourself and lend credibility to your name, product or service. When competition is so tight, your visibility and credibility mean everything.

EOTM is proud to help entrepreneurs of all genres to leverage the Internet. Whether you want to start your own business, sell your own products or simply get noticed and hired, EOTM will get your name out there!

Contact us today!

Indie Artists Jump on the EOTM Brand Wagon

In Branding on March 16, 2010 at 3:21 am





EOTM understands what it takes to promote your music/image successfully. We have done it for years, promoting ourselves!! Allow us to customize a package to represent your music with a professional image!

EOTM Radio is best known for giving indie artists a means to highlight their music to a global audience. Most of the artists EOTM features sells their music primarily by touring, through their websites and EOTM Radio.

EOTM has recognized that corporate executives are increasingly looking for new sounds to help create an image for a brand, whether it’s a product, a store or a show. It could be music from an emerging artist, or something old and hip, whatever it is, it is likely to be cheaper than the high price of licensing a hit song from a major record label.

The result is that corporate music buyers are changing the economics of being an independent musician. The once-standard dream of a record deal and radio play is giving way to the reality of restaurants, retailers and automakers scouring the industry for little-known music that can lend mood and edge to marketing campaigns.

New artists have realized that the big labels really are not doing the job anymore, and if [the artists] can just get their music out, people will stumble onto it and then the buzz starts.

Carla Barnes, president of EOTM Radio & Media, said licensing represents “a growing and significant portion of any indie label’s revenue portfolio.” Selling music to advertisers used to be taboo among many sellout-conscious artists, but today “these commercial branding opportunities are being viewed much more positively,” she said.

While there is no comprehensive data to show how much money such artists are making from licensing, EOTM said it can be seen in any small music label’s revenue stream.

Allow EOTM to use their expertise and create the buzz you deserve. Email them today for a free marketing analysis. marketing@queensofinternetradio.com or call 678-548-9466.

www.Queensofinternetradio.com www.eotmradio.com www.eotmspace.com

Internet Matters…..