EOTM Press Room

A Word about Word of Mouth Advertising

EOTM Media Groups research reveals that marketing-induced consumer-to-consumer word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising in categories as diverse as artists promotions and healthcare products. And as it happens, we’ve marketed both. And everything in between.

Word of mouth campaigns revolve around identifying influential’s who become brand and product advocates… the type of campaign that companies choose to adopt depends on the degree to which marketers can find and target influential’s.

Our marketing is based upon this premise. Word of mouth marketing are only as powerful as those influencers you start with.






This begs the question: how do you find influencers?

At EOTM, we hand-pick influencers for each of the brands we work with, carefully screening and securing those we know will be powerful amplifiers. We cultivate deep and rich networks of individuals from across the country, hand-selecting those with dynamic social and professional connections that have an authentic passion for that particular brand.

Short cuts to an influencer program result in what we call the “un-fluentials”, those who love to opt into databases in the hopes of receiving some free swag and are quickly tuned out by their friends because they are always hawking something. Don’t get us wrong, we love free stuff too, but raising your hand to receive a free sample does not a true influencer make.

So before you activate an influencer program, do your homework and identify and cultivate genuinely passionate individuals with the right amplification networks. Or better yet, give us a call and we’ll let you copy our homework.

EOTM Media Group

Call (909)527-3661 or email marketing@queensofinternetradio.com


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