EOTM Press Room

Publicist Rates

Thank you for your interest in EOTM Media’s Group Public Relations. As a publicist, it is our primary objective to gain maximum exposure for our clients. We use time proven methods and a very extensive media database. Our clients are exposed to NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL media outlets and must be serious about their career.

There are some things you should know about a publicist as they differ from a manager/agent. Publicists get you exposure in the entertainment industry through magazine, newspaper, television, web, and radio interviews. We DO NOT secure you employment – that is the job of your manager/agent. However, having representation with EOTM does increase your national exposure and in return, yields more bookings and higher pay rates. 

The EOTM Media Group’s Publicist works on a flat fee or salary. We are pre-paid a retaining fee for a set amount of hours (you choose 15, 20, 30, or 35 hours). We then use your pre-paid hours for the services we provide (developing a press kit, distributing press releases, screening media for interviews, etc.). We DO NOT work on a percentage of your salary like a manager/agent. This is not just our policy; this is the pay structure/policy of EVERY publicist.

We offer various levels of services and fees tailored to fit the needs of all of our clients. If you are interested in taking your career/film to the next level, please email pr@eotmradio.com or call (909)559-1763.

We offer a free consultation. Remember, a terrible thing happens to the upward growth of your entertainment career when you don’t have a publicist: NOTHING! Thank you again for your interest and we look forward to working with you in the near future.

  1. I think the reason men cheat is because they have no conscience? What do you think?

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