EOTM Press Room

Archive for the ‘Results’ Category

Why EPR?

In Branding, Breaking News, Celebrity News, Marketing, Politics, Public Relations, Publicity, Radio Advertising, Results, Social Media on December 6, 2010 at 7:30 am


Innovative, experienced and teaming with talent, EOTM Public Relations is a results-oriented public relations firm specializing in global media attention for entertainment, corporate America, nonprofit organizations and more. Our expertise lies in executing creative and strategic local, national and international media relations and marketing campaigns for our clients in a spirited and pro-active manner. We excel in launching new products and in re-positioning celebrities that may be in need of an image enhancement.


We operate on the principle that proactive public relations requires a thorough understanding of the media and demographic. Our PR specialists are in daily contact with the press locally, nationally and across all media. We offer close personal relationships and credibility with key journalists and editors that gain us immediate access to the ‘right’ people to share your message. We are constantly on top of the stories on which they are working. We know how to craft a story to suit the media outlet and properly position our clients in the market. We’re always searching for the unique idea, the different angle, and the fresh take on a familiar story. Our marketing expertise in creating successful campaigns in support of our clients and creating synergies within our network allows for an environment of creative and successful strategic programs in support of company goals.


Still wondering?

EOTM Public Relations = RESULTS

In Public Relations, Results on September 18, 2010 at 3:15 am

EOTM Public Relations generates press coverage for client’s in the local, national, and international level. Our clients have appeared…

and more……

Unlike other agencies of our size, EOTM actively seeks undiscovered
talent. We do this because we, like our clients, are always growing.
With a distinguished record of building celebrity from the ground up,
we have a distinct ability to create new perspectives on new names. We
bring to our clients the recognition they deserve. Get your piece of the
“Publicity Dream”, today!