EOTM Press Room

Posts Tagged ‘PR’

Your Publicist is the first EYE of offense…

In Public Relations on August 13, 2010 at 6:27 am

Your Publicist is the first “eye” of offense to the media and is a crucial resource in gaining the largest possible audience for your film.

PR is the catalyst between those who want to say something and those who want to hear it, ie. between the film makers, the media and ultimately the consumer.Oftenproducers will go to their PR agency with little understanding of the market or at whom their film is aimed. At EOTM Public Relations firm we instill a dose of realism in the producer about the market and how, and at whom, their film should be pitched.

EOTM connects with your project, seeking out the film’s strong identifiers, and hones that message so that the film’s back-story is an understated part of the film viewing experience.

Contact EOTM today for a free consultation regarding your film.

Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten

In Public Relations on June 10, 2010 at 7:10 pm

What were those sayings the teacher always said..? Say sorry…when you hurt somebody…play fair…clean up your mess, lol. Warm cookies and milk are good for you and live a balanced life….

Those are really the greatest tips I ever learned…and especially useful in my current profession…public relations.

Just think about it, “Play fair.” This rule is vital to any business’ long-term plan and becomes essential especially in PR, where transparency is often preferred.

“Share everything.” This goes back to the importance of information sharing and transparency in the PR industry. I think what could be added to this is “share everything and stay honest”.

“Clean up your own mess.” I think this lesson is particularly crucial. The BP oil spill is a great example. When your client has made a mistake or an accident has occurred, it is important to proactively get involved in “cleaning up” the mess.

So maybe all we really need to know about business and public relations we could have learned from our kindergarten teachers…ehhhhh….??? Well, maybe the basics.

Btw…when is nap time? smhl

Got questions? email me at pr@eotmradio.com

Take your PR Campaign Green

In Public Relations on June 7, 2010 at 6:06 am





Scrap the do it yourself PR campaigns and go Green! EOTM puts you in front of the media without all the headache. Focus on your career and allow the PR professionals at EOTM handle the rest. Contact us for a free consultation today – (909)527-3661 or email pr@eotmradio.com   —-  http://needapublicist.webs.com     —– http://www.eotm.wordpress.com

Getting into the Media Spot Light

In Public Relations on April 18, 2010 at 12:14 am

EOTM understands that not all PR placements are created equal and that companies need to secure press with a purpose – to affect the bottom line. With offices on both coasts – in Los Angeles and New York City, the EOTM Public Relations team has cultivated an unparalleled network of top tier editorial contacts that know our names and answer our calls.

The EOTM team is a group of savvy, extremely connected, award-winning PR professionals with a proven track record for providing clients with top-tier media results. We are foodies, guerilla marketers, out of the box thinkers and night owls, and, most importantly, we are your core demographic. EOTM focuses on clients we are passionate about and that resonate with us. Our team embodies the brands we represent. And who better to have telling the story of your business than someone who truly believes in it, who lives it?

The EOTM team is creative, smart, spirited, honest and above all, hard-working.

EOTM digs in and gets down to business to get to know our clients and their customers inside and out. We serve as an extension of our clients’ internal sales and marketing team.

We don’t believe it’s about spin and we’re definitely not about fluff. We believe it’s about storytelling. And if you have a good story, we make sure we tell the right people.

EOTM’s targeted, thoughtful approach to PR has earned us a reputation as a resource for media across a broad spectrum of top tier media outlets nationwide. Our experienced team is well versed in representing first-class, entertainers, entrepreneurs and small to midsize business clientele.

It’s all a Matter of Judgement…

In Public Relations on April 17, 2010 at 10:11 pm

An integrated PR marketing firm that builds, refreshes and drives consumer branded engagement and influence.

A Star is Born

In Uncategorized on October 24, 2009 at 3:19 am

Top 10 Tips for Unsigned Artists


As an unsigned artist, publicity is a huge driving force when you’re looking at success in the music industry. Although it’s definitely beneficial to retain a publicist once you have your music career in gear, you can still manage to create a little buzz on your own in the meantime. Below are the top ten tips for generating your own publicity as a music artist.

  1. Make sure you have a press kit that includes a well-written bio, an 8X10 photo, CD and contact info.
  2. Go local. Local press is by far the easiest press to get. Let them know your story and send in a CD. Shoot for the music editor or columnist and if they don’t have one assigned specifically, contact the entertainment editor.
  3. Social networking sites are all about music these days. For example, Myspace and Facebook’s  reach is incredible for gaining new fans. Where else can you find people to listen to your music in the convenience of their own home? Make sure you are updating your music, adding friends, keeping them all posted, and updating the tour dates.
  4. Internet radio is a great way to share your music with the masses. You don’t have to approach the big ones—you can see success with air play on smaller stations as well. Send in your mp3’s to local DJs and look up college radio shows nationally and see if they’ll spin your music. EOTM radio is picking up these days too… Queensofinternetradio.com is a great option for the indie artist it doesn’t cost much and it gets your music heard.
  5. Music licensing is a great way to make money and get publicity. Try contacting some music supervisors on TV shows for a start. Send them an inquiry with your information and a link to your music. If you get placed, you can use it for press—and it becomes a story!
  6. Music websites and e-zines are always looking for music to review. Look up their websites and send emails to their editors. Tell them why you’re a fit for their magazine and ask if you can send in a CD. Again, try to make contact first… sending in a random package may be useless.
  7. Youtube.com outlets to share your music. Try to do something charismatic and original. Reaching out to people online can do wonders. Create a music video, a video blog, sing an acoustic set, take a stab at some comedy– anything… Just remember, first impressions are everything.
  8. Be philanthropic. Charity does wonders for publicity outreach. Find something you believe in and offer to play at their event or donate proceeds to their cause. Not only does it get you out there and give you a story angle… but it feels good to help out.
  9. Send your CDs to appropriate magazines for your music’s genre. Make sure you call ahead and find out the right contact, unsolicited packages get lost in the shuffle. A good rule of thumb is to look up specific writers you feel would enjoy your music and find out how to reach them.
  10. Try to book shows in different towns, that way you can easily label the cluster of shows as a tour and contact local newspapers and radio stations and offer them merch in exchange for promotions/articles.

Note that PR is about being smart and creative. It’s about finding a reason for people to care about you and your music. Sure, great music and a good look are helpful, but you also need to reach out to the public and come up with stories. Think outside of the box and you’ll really benefit from the results in no time!

In an effort to help the Indie Artist be it Music, Entertainment, etc. EOTM will be airing a show on this very subject matter November 9th @ 7pm est. Our studio lines will be open for artists to call in and speak with our PR reps. We look forwarding to helping increase your network and inturn increasing your networth. Save this number (718-664-6543) and we will hear you on November 9th @ 7pm est.
