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Posts Tagged ‘Charlie Sheen Bipolar’

Charlie Sheen is not ‘Bi-Polar’ he is a ‘Bi-Winner’

In Breaking News, Celebrity News, EOTM News on March 7, 2011 at 7:20 pm

In a recent interview Charlie Sheen responds to recent speculation regarding drug use and also states that he is a ‘bi-winner’ not ‘bi-polar.’

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen also goes on to say that he wants a raise to come back to the CBS show “Two and a Half Men.”

The troubled star appeared on dueling morning show interviews Monday to continue an attack on CBS and producers of his hit sitcom for shutting down the show because of his off-set behavior.

Both ABC’s “Good Morning America” and NBC’s “Today” show featured him in their first half hours.  NBC interviewer Jeff Rossen appeared startled when Sheen said he wanted to be paid $3 million an episode to return to the show. He’s reportedly paid $1.8 million an episode now, one of the highest-paid actors on television.

“You want a raise?” Rossen asked.

Replied Sheen: “Yeah, look what they put me through”


Info on Bipolar

In an interview with USA Today, Paul Ragan of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, described the behavior as “a classic manic episode.” Manic episodes are among the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

“What do we mean by a manic episode?” Ragan asked. “This constant pressure to speak, the giving of numerous interviews, the increased goal-directed activities, irritability, lack of impulse control, what we call the ‘flight of ideas’ – skipping from topic to topic, clearly the lack of judgment about his own issues.”

While Sheen says he does not suffer from bipolar, plenty of Americans do. It affects approximately 5.7 million adults in the U,S. according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).