EOTM Press Room

Pursuit of Happiness in 2011

“Devoted to all things HAPPY“…by Carla B and Friends

In my very own pursuit of happiness I decided in 2011 I would create an online journal cataloging my efforts to live my best life ever. In doing so, I thought it would be such an awesome experience if there were a group of us, “positive women striving for excellence” to do the same. So, come on…share a little and you never know how maybe your words can inspire, motivate, helped another women, mother, teen or child begin to live their best life ever too!

Carla B

Join me on this great new adventure of our lives in 2011 and beyond…

Tell us what you are doing!

Join Carla B’s 2011 Pursuit of Happiness Challenge via blogs, photos and videos!!!  Send pics and videos to pr@eotmradio.com —

Pursuit of Happiness 2011 Game Plan

At least once a week sign on and post what you are doing to stay in a positive mindset. What are you doing in pursuit of your happiness? How does happiness define your life?

My Idea…

When I sat down and decided to move forward with the pursuit of happiness project, I asked myself, “What do I want less of in my life?” Among many other things, I decided I wanted less procrastination on my part,to set better time lines for my short and long term goals, to be more health conscious and have a better relationship with my extended family. I also asked myself, “What do I want more of in my life?” I decided I wanted more time reading, more time stimulating my mind spiritually, more vacations and to create more happy memories. Then I made specific, manageable resolutions aimed at helping me make these changes.

Some may have only one thing they want to change, everyone is different. There just maybe a tiny thing you need to change in your life to bring forth greater happiness, keep in mind that one small change can be enough to launch your pursuit of happiness project. You can change your life without changing your life, remember that!

If what you’ve read thus far is appealing to the happy bug in you , well, I encourage you to start ..sharing. Join our online journal community and commit to your pursuit of happiness in 2011 and beyond ! Can’t wait to read your posts!

  1. Hey Ms B..

    well I will put it like this, I am planning on bringing my sexy back in 2011. This year, I am bringing my sexy back. Not bogged down worrying about what a man is doing, etc etc etc, it is about me. Thanks gurl!

  2. Affirmations are seeds that I lovingly plant
    in my consciousness now, as much as I can remember,
    in thought and in writing,
    to start to shift my “samskaras” or habitual grooves/patterns
    that have developed over the course of my lifetime
    for whatever limitless reasons…

    my particular old patterns include anger and rage,
    really big, vibrant streams of tangible spikey feelings shooting out from my body…
    (even if I’m silent and the lights are out, people can feel them)

    and I am just committed to release myself of the toxicity
    that I can create in my body and in the space around me,
    when I unconsciously unleash this on myself and others…
    release myself of the toxicity with love…gently shifting and embracing the
    slow blossoming and unfolding of my highest self.

  3. I’m def in……2011 is our time to shine and money!!!!

  4. Tanya, I am with you…get it girlie! @Becky, such a lovely poem..thanks for sharing and Saytue.. I know you will have some great adventures to share, looking forward to it!

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tawanda Fredricks. Tawanda Fredricks said: RT @EOTMPR: Check out my 2011 pursuit of happiness blog and share your stories – https://eotm.wordpress.com/pursuit-of-happiness-in-2011/ … […]

  6. January 8, 2011 —
    How I define living my best life ever —

    I am living it. Living life without regrets, living each day with an optimistic and positive attitude. Taking each day as it comes and making the best of it. Living each day sharing my smile, someone may not be able to find theirs. Living each day as if it may be my last; one never really knows. Never missing a chance to show and tell those I love how I feel, by actions, words and deeds. One will know how you feel not because you told them but due to the way you interact and treat them. And always treating others with Godly love and respect; just as I wish to be treated. This makes for a great day and at the end of each day their are no regrets. Therefore at the end I simply end it with a prayer being thankful for the day that has passed and hopeful for another.

  7. Hey Tawanda, I love it, cheers to positive thinking in 2011 and beyond…thanks for sharing!!

  8. Very well said Tawanda I second that!!! I want my happy go lucky free spirit ready back… now I feel like I am hiding like in a shell and I want to get out of that bc that has never been me… 2010 was a hard year for me and I lost so much. I am looking forward to 2011 I feel very positive about this year I’m so excited!!! Thanks again for the positive note and Carla B keep up the good work!!!

  9. Oh by the way love the picture on the boat!!!!!

  10. Hey Theresa, I soooo agree 😉

  11. Hi Carla!

    Count me in ALL the way! 2011 is already so extremely exciting!!! I’ve found in the past that I have always encouraged others and helped them to see the greatness in every experience and yet allowed myself to struggle through them. I see myself now and it is one of the most wonderful gifts I’ve ever received!

    To see when I am focusing on what I don’t want as opposed to allowing the Law of Attraction to bring more of what I truly desire by focusing only on those things…

    To see what I’m feeling with the understanding that it is not necessarily a reflection of my true reality but only an indication of what I’m thinking…so I have the understanding that my good feeling is only a thought away…

    To see that I have unlimited supply available for my use to accomplish all my heart desires regardless of what circumstances suggest…

    To see that what has been true is not my truth as my truth is I am fearfully and wonderfully made…

    Yes 2011 is already a truly phenomenal year and I am so excited that my truth has allowed me to meet you and other amazing women like you to remind me that I too am awesome and amazing!!!

    Thank you for inviting us to join you. This is gonna be soooooooooooooo much fun!!

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